Shop Notes / Order Status
This page is just a quick bulletin board from the Bootstrap Pickups shop. We'll put announcements here as well as projects that we're working on and the next week's order queue minimums. The most recent updates on top, scroll down for older notes. I bold/highlight topics to make it easier to skim through. Current estimated lead times are also listed below.
Current lead times to ship as of 3/3/25: About 4-6 Weeks.
3/3/25: Hey Bootstrappers, happy Monday! We're within our 4 to 6 week lead time to ship.
A note on prices: We're currently making adjustments to prices in $5 increments to compensate for inflation as we hadn't raised prices on most of our catalog since 2017-2018ish. By the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office's official reports for inflation, and confirmed by the Bureau of Labor Statistic's calculations, a $50 set in 2018 would be around $65 today. We're trying to keep these adjustments small and space them out so that there's not a huge impact on our customers. We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding.
We have a new messaging system: Another note, we have a new quick messaging system. The length of text for the inquiry is limited, but we're able to respond a lot faster. So far every inquiry using the Quick Question option has had a response and many responses are within an hour or two.
2/13/25: Hey Bootstrappers, happy Thursday! We're currently within our 4 to 6 week lead time to ship.
1/6/25: Hey Bootstrappers, I hope your new year is off to a great start! We're currently within our 4 to 6 week lead times. Canada customers: the USPS and Canada Post have started accepting canada-bound parcels starting today, 1/6/25. Lots of Bootstrap packages are scheduled for collection by USPS and orders currently beyond our 4 to 6 week lead time to ship should receive tracking information within the next few hours. Thank you all for you patience during the Canada Post strike!
12/26/24: Hey Bootstrappers, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas! We're still within our 4-6 week lead time (With the exception of orders bound for Canada). An update on the Canada Post strike: The strike has been placed on pause, but Canada Post is not yet accepting packages from the USPS as they are working through an extensive backlog of parcels. The USPS advised on Dec 23 that they anticipate Canada Post will be accepting new parcels within the next week or two. At that time all of our orders bound for Canada that are within that 4 to 6 week lead time (or beyond) are expected to ship.
After hearing a lot of feedback, we've decided to continue using the cloth leads for all of our pickups for the foreseeable future. To that end we tracked down a potential supplier who we hope will be able to fill a larger order of cloth wire. Thank you everyone for your feedback and continued support!
Unfortunately we've had to temporarily suspend sales to the EU and Northern Ireland for a few days while we put in place some new shipping rules on our fulfilment back end and checkout. Nothing serious, should be able to get to it this weekend. Also if you are an international customer from any country that requires an import ID number of some sort, please make sure you message us with that either before or immediately after placing an order if the space for that is not included at checkout to avoid any delays or returns in customs (and thank you for your order!)
12/14/24: Hey Bootstrappers! We're still on track with our 4-6 week lead time even during the height of the holiday season (With the exception of orders bound for Canada). If you're a Canadian customer and you've been waiting quite a while, please remember that you can cancel your order via your order confirmation email link (Or we're happy to help), or we can try to arrange another shipping service such as UPS, FedEx, or DHL at no additional charge for postage (Though there may be additional customs fees that you would have to pay upon delivery).
We are exploring using PVC-insulated hookup wires in Bootstrap Pickups branded pickups starting sometime in 2025, though a decision hasn't yet been made. All current orders placed prior to the switch over will of course be fulfilled with our standard cloth-insulated wire. Skookum branded pickups and OEM products will continue to have cloth wire. One of the main reasons we haven't had many Skookum sets listed lately is the difficulty in getting enough cloth wire for our Bootstrap branded stuff.
The reason is threefold: First, the price of the vintage style cloth pushback wire continues to climb while our suppliers' inventory continues to be unreliable at times. I can get orders of a few hundred feet at a time, but ordering many thousands of feet of wire is really difficult. Second, we found a really great supplier of PVC-insulated, pre-tinned stranded copper wire that is Made in the USA and can supply greater quantities reliably. Third, PVC-insulated wire is significantly thinner overall for the same conductor gauge, making installation through tight openings and in small control cavities easier. There is no effect on tone with either cloth covered hookup wire or PVC covered hookup wire.
We're open to feedback on this though, so if you feel strongly one way or the other please feel welcome to shoot us a message at
11/28/24: Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Also apologies to anyone who received a reply to a super old email this evening, our messaging system was drunk. Should be fixed now. Partially related, I have a queue of emails that I need to send out, I should be able to get to those today morning to midday.
I believe most orders through 11/14/24 are ready to go in our next USPS collection (Which may be Saturday or may be Monday). Notable exceptions are the Canada customers due to the aforementioned ongoing postal strike.
Hey Bootstrappers, happy Saturday! Current plan is to have orders through October 19 ship on 11/9. There may be a few that go out the following week instead, but eyeballing the queue, the plan should be do-able (Barring any unforeseen obstacle).